Real Estate Company in Sendai, Miyagi, Japan

Renting an apartment, renting a house, buyin and selling a property ?
Your searching real estate starts from searching for a appropreate real estate agent.
In this meaning, you are already successful to find this website.

You can call us for any real estate inquiries in Sendai, Miyagi, Japan.

Toll free domestic call: 0120-818-001
International: 81-22-264-4666

Looking for an Apartment to rent in Sendai, Miyagi, Japan

There are two types of rental apartment.
One is conventional two years term contract. In this style, the apartment is not furnished but the rent is rather reasonable.

The other is furnished single month term contract which is localy called as 'MONTHLY APARTMENT'. The rent for the furnished apartment is slightly higher than conventional apartment rental.
However, initial cost is much smaller in furnished apartments.

An example of renting one room conventional two years term apartment in Sendai, Miyagi, Japan

Rent Yen50,000
Deposit(SHIKIKIN) Yen150,000
Key Money Yen50,000
Guarantor Fee Yen26,250
Realtor Fee Yen5,250
Total Yen283,750

An example of renting one room Furnished single month term apartment in Sendai, Miyagi, Japan

Rent Yen35,000
Utility fee Yen5,000
Refundable deposit Yen30,000
Registry Fee Yen15,750
Total Yen95,750

Buying a property in Sendai, Miyagi, Japan

A house, land, oe even a building, and the saticefaction can be find with our assistance.

You can call us for any real estate inquiries in Sendai, Miyagi, Japan.

Toll free domestic call: 0120-818-001
International: 81-22-264-4666

Cheap Apartment in Sendai

Cheap Apartment in Sendai

Cheap Furnished Apartment in Sendai